Prayer and Fasting—March 24-30, 8:30 – 9:30 pm

For many years we have set aside the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday as a time of prayer and fasting. We look back to all that Christ accomplished for us during this Holy Week. We consider what He is still doing in the world today. Finally, we pray for those who will attend churches on Easter Sunday. 

Why do we pray and fast? We pray because we only see things happen in the physical realm after they are first answered in the spiritual realm. We fast because it denies the appetites of the flesh in order to focus on the spirit. Jesus assumed that His followers would fast (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:15). While it is a spiritual discipline that is not always practiced, we have found that God has abundantly blessed this time we have devoted to Him.

If you are new to fasting, I would recommend a good article by Bill Bright the founder of Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ).

We will meet at the church office each night to pray together from 8:30 – 9:30 pm.

Prayer Points:

Palm Sunday: 

 Luke 19:28-40
*We will meet at 6:30 pm to pray for tonight only. 
Thank the Lord in Prayer today for who He is in your life. Take time to worship Him aloud, don’t keep silent! Begin asking the Lord for many more to come to Salvation and that he would use you to share the Gospel.


Luke 19:41-48
Pray today to be able to weep over the things that the Lord would weep over, the lost. Pray that many more would come to “know the time of His visitation” in their life. Ask the Lord to bring people into our lives that need to know Him. Finally, pray about who to invite to Easter Service.


 Luke 20; Psalm 118:19-27; Psalm 110
Pray today with thanksgiving that the Lord is not focused on a religion but rather on having a relationship with people. Acknowledge Jesus as the Priest and King in your life.


Luke 21; Mark 14:1-11
Thank the Lord today in Prayer that our right standing with God is not based on the ability to sacrifice in a Temple made with hands that were destroyed. His Temple was restored on the 3rd day after His death. Ask the Lord to give us hearts and minds to pour out our very best unto Him. Pray for our service on Sunday that many would accept the sacrifice of Jesus and repent of their sin.


 Luke 22:1-65
Ask the Lord today in Prayer to make the sacrifice of His death a vivid picture in our minds. Seek forgiveness when we like the Apostles are more concerned about positions or titles vs. being present with what the Lord is doing in our midst. Ask God for great things to happen in our midst.

Good Friday: 

Luke 22:66-71; Luke 23:1-56;
Psalm 22:1-18
Pray today thanking Jesus for His obedience all the way to Calvary. He became the Lamb that was slain for us. Ask the Lord to help us not be like the crowd who totally missed Him and got caught up in the moment. Pray that we will continue to keep the Cross at the center of our faith.


Luke 23:56; Isaiah 52:13-15; Isaiah 53
In Prayer today, thankfully mediate on the sacrifice of our Lord for our sins on the Cross. Ask God to help you to become fully aware of your new identity in Christ because of His death. Thank the Lord that you don’t have to be the same because He paid the price for the Greatest Exchange in History.

Easter Sunday: 

Luke 24; Isaiah 52:7-10
*We will not be meeting tonight to pray
Pray today rejoicing in our risen Savior! Thank Him for being true to His Word in a world that is constantly lying to us. He is Risen, just like He said He would! Ask God to bring revival to us so that many more would confess Jesus as Savior, repent of their sin and begin having abundant life. Pray that just like the Apostles, Jesus would open our eyes to who He is.