Our young adults group meets every Friday at 6:30 PM
at 9226 W. Barnes Dr., Boise, ID 83709.
Source Events
The Source meets every Friday at 7:00 pm
9226 W. Barnes Dr. Boise, ID 83709
The Source meets every Friday at 6:30 pm
9226 W. Barnes Dr. Boise, ID 83709
What is the Source?
We are a group of young adults seeking to know Christ and impact our world for Him. We meet every Friday night from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm at the Church office. The Source is an excellent opportunity to connect with the young adults in our church and a great place to transition to right after high school. We occasionally break off in groups of men and women to pray for one another and break down what we're learning through the study.

What do we do?
Our purpose is to equip our young adults with Biblical truth and to help them learn about the spiritual gifts the Lord has given them. So, on the last Friday of every month, we do an outreach of some kind such as going Downtown and handing out free coffee and Bibles, visiting an assisted living facility, or just serving in our community. We believe it is essential for our young adults to put their faith in action and apply what we're studying as a group.
What is the Source?
We are a group of young adults seeking to know Christ and impact our world for Him. We meet every Friday night from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm at the Church office. The Source is an excellent opportunity to connect with the young adults in our church and a great place to transition to right after high school. We occasionally break off in groups of men and women to pray for one another and break down what we're learning through the study.

What do we do?
Our purpose is to equip our young adults with Biblical truth and to help them learn about the spiritual gifts the Lord has given them. So, on the last Friday of every month, we do an outreach of some kind such as going Downtown and handing out free coffee and Bibles, visiting an assisted living facility, or just serving in our community. We believe it is essential for our young adults to put their faith in action and apply what we're studying as a group.
What is the Source?
We are a group of young adults seeking to know Christ and impact our world for Him. We meet every Friday night from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm at the Church office. The Source is an excellent opportunity to connect with the young adults in our church and a great place to transition to right after high school. We occasionally break off in groups of men and women to pray for one another and break down what we're learning through the study.

What do we do?
Our purpose is to equip our young adults with Biblical truth and to help them learn about the spiritual gifts the Lord has given them. So, on the last Friday of every month, we do an outreach of some kind such as going Downtown and handing out free coffee and Bibles, visiting an assisted living facility, or just serving in our community. We believe it is essential for our young adults to put their faith in action and apply what we're studying as a group.
Why are we called The Source?
Our theme verse for the Source is Hebrews 5:9 (ESV) "And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him". Our Bible study focuses on trusting and building upon our knowledge from the correct Source in this distracting world.