Proverbs 18
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs 18:22, NKJV)
It was God who said, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God knew that we need help. While I believe that a man or woman can be single and still live a full and productive life, a spouse is a precious gift from God that should always be cherished and never taken for granted.
Cindy and I have been married nearly 40 years. Truly, she has been the gift that keeps on giving. As I watch our children grow up and have children of their own, as I consider the daughter-in-love and son-in-love that they have brought home to us, I cannot imagine experiencing these things apart from Cindy’s enormous contributions. I have received great favor from the LORD through her.
We have also been privileged to follow our dream in moving to Boise in our early thirties to start our church. Truly, this has been a team effort, not only with Cindy and I, but also with our children, their spouses, and now our grandchildren (not to mention all the amazing people God has brought by our sides to serve Christ and others). These things could have never happened without God bringing Cindy into my life just before her 21st birthday.
Cindy and I have often reflected on our marriage and wish others could experience what we have experienced. For people desiring to find a good thing in a wife or husband, I have only a few words: cherish each other and always be thankful. You are married to an imperfect person who is pledged to be married to an imperfect person. And God will give you grace to help each other become better. Thus you will find favor from the LORD and bless others.
If you are married and have lost sight of these things…if hardness of heart is creeping in and robbing you of the feelings you once had…it’s not too late. You may not be able to change your partner’s heart…at least not right away…but by God’s grace you can change your own heart. And that’s a good place to start.