Micah 2-3

Jan 1, 2025    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who lead my people astray, who cry ‘Peace’ when they have something to eat, but declare war against him who puts nothing into their mouths.” (Micah 3:5, ESV)


People have different motives for why they do what they do. Some people steal because they have no food and are hungry. Others steal because they are obsessed with accumulating wealth to boast over the next guy. Some people preach the Word because they care about God and people, wanting them to choose the right path. Others preach thinking it is a path to easy wealth; they peddle the Word for profit, but God knows their hearts.


Such were the people of Israel and Judah to whom Micah was sent. Rather than preaching the Word to enlighten the people to the truth and turn them from their transgressions, they were telling people what they wanted to hear because it was more lucrative. Those who recognized that these “prophets” were hypocrites and refused to pay them were treated with contempt.


We will all be judged not only for what we say and do, but also for our motives in doing it. Our hearts are deceitful. We may think that we are justified because we are doing our religious duty, but God searches our hearts. He knows the real reason. Is it for money? Is it for recognition? Is it to control others? Is it to gather a following? We must examine our motives and ask God to search our hearts.


So then, what should our motive be for speaking the Word, giving to others, or serving in the church?


“For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.” (2 Corinthians 5:14–15, ESV)


As we begin this New Year, let us ask the One who died for us to help us to die to ourselves so that we my live for Him. It is the love of Christ that controls, compels and constrains us. May His love motivate us in all we say and do in 2025!