Egyptian Escapade

Jan 28, 2021    Pastor Daryl Zachman

A famine in the land of Canaan caused Abram to go to Egypt. God never told him to go, it just seemed like a good idea. We know that God allows the world to suffer famine, disease, and economic hardship and that His children are not exempt. These are tests, and tests are essential if we are to grow in faith.

We have been enduring a famine of sorts with the current pandemic. It has changed our culture in ways we could have never imagined. Isolation, fear, unemployment, rebellion, depression, pornography, contentions, violence, divorce, and suicide are some of the casualties, along with the hundreds of thousands who have died from COVID-19.

What temptations have you faced? How have you responded?

We see today that even where Abram yielded to temptation, God looked after him and Sarai. God used even Abram's lapses to teach him and to make him into a great man of faith. If you will confess your sins, He will do the same for you.