Zechariah 10
“For the LORD of hosts will visit His flock, the house of Judah, and will make them as His royal horse in the battle. From him comes the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler together.” (Zechariah 10:3–4, NKJV)
Zechariah prophesied at a time when Israel was under Gentile rulers, but he looked ahead to the coming Messiah. The shepherds or leaders of Judah had failed in their duty, but God was not done with this royal tribe.
From him comes the cornerstone. This is a clear reference to Christ.
“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. Whoever believes will not act hastily.’” (Isaiah 28:16, NKJV)
Jesus is the proven and precious Cornerstone on which we build our lives. He said that whoever hears His words and does what He says is like a wise man who built His house on the rock. The floods came and the wind beat against it, but the house stood firm because it was built on the rock. Because our house is built on Him, when storms come we don’t need to panic. We don’t need to make rash decisions. We know that if we trust in Him and obey His commandments, then He is trustworthy to protect and provide for us.
From him comes the tent peg. This was fastened in the middle of the tent, and they would hang their cooking pots on it. Speaking of this tent pet coming from the house of Daivd, Isaiah said that they would hang on him the whole honor of his father’s house (Isaiah 22:24). We hang the welfare of everything and everyone who is important to us on His promises.
From him comes the battle bow, from him every ruler together. The Lord will lead His people into war when God gathers all the nations for the Battle of Armageddon. They will be as mighty men who tread down their enemies. Likewise, we can trust in Christ to lead and defend us in our spiritual battles.
In the aftermath of an earthquake, you see which homes were built securely on a solid foundation because they are still standing. We are each building our lives on something. When the shaking comes, everything falls except that which is built on the rock.
-Is Christ your Cornerstone in whom you trust?
-Is He your Tent Peg on whom you hang everything and everyone who is important to you?
-Is He the Battle Bow you depend on to give you victory over the enemy?