2 Samuel 17:15-29

Jul 6, 2022    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:31–32, NIV84)

It’s been said that being bitter is like drinking poison to kill someone else. The bitterness destroys you, and the other person doesn’t even know you’re mad! Bitterness is our reaction to another person’s sin. In this case, Ahithophel, the grandfather of Bathsheba, was probably bitter against David. This is the reason he joined in Absalom’s rebellion. It’s also the reason why he personally wanted to go into battle and kill David (2 Samuel 17:1-2).

When Ahithophel saw that his advice was not being followed, he went to his home, put his affairs in order, and hanged himself. No doubt Ahithophel had dreamed about the day he would be able to pay back David for what he did to his granddaughter and her husband. But his sweet revenge turned out to be as bitter as the feelings he carried for many years. Ahithophel was a very wise man, but he did a very foolish thing.

Resentment is a bitter root that will defile many (Hebrews 12:15). But the person it mostly defiles is the one who carries it. Has someone sinned against you or against someone you love? Then follow the procedure Jesus gave in Matthew 18. Go to that person and show him his fault. If he repents, then forgive him. If he doesn’t repent, then take one or two others. If he doesn’t listen to them, and the person is a believer, then tell the church leadership. And if he doesn’t listen to the church leadership, then he is to be put outside the church. But what if he isn’t a believer? Or what if the person who hurt you is dead? Then you still must get rid of the bitterness. Make a conscience decision, for the sake of Christ, to turn your bitterness into forgiveness…and let it go. Christ paid the price for all sin on the cross—our sin as well as the other person’s. As we have freely received God’s forgiveness, let us freely forgive others. Don’t be like Ahithophel and let bitterness hang you up!