Jeremiah 44:1-23

Jul 15, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“And now thus says the LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel: Why do you commit this great evil against yourselves, to cut off from you man and woman, infant and child, from the midst of Judah, leaving you no remnant?” (Jeremiah 44:7, ESV)


Have you ever met someone who blamed God for the circumstances in his or her life? It is true that some people seem to suffer more than others, and often due to no fault of their own. But others suffer the consequences of their bad choices, and then they blame God for what happens.


The remnant of Jews living in Judah had seen the destruction of Jerusalem. They had joined in the sins of their fathers by worshiping other gods. Now even their wives were burning incense and making cakes to the queen of heaven, and their husbands were giving their approval, even if they were only remaining silent. Rather than seeking the LORD they were trusting in the gods of the world. But who were they hurting by these deeds? They were hurting themselves as well as their children and grandchildren. Why hadn’t they learned the lesson of Jerusalem? Why did they persist in doing the evil that God expressly forbade them to do? This is the awful mystery of evil.


“They have not humbled themselves even to this day, nor have they feared, nor walked in my law and my statutes that I set before you and before your fathers.” (Jeremiah 44:10, ESV)


God had sent numerous prophets (including Jeremiah) to warn them. Yet they refused to listen or to turn away from their idolatry. If only they had humbled themselves, feared God, and walked in His ways, then God would have blessed them and prospered them in the land that he gave to Abraham and his descendants as their permanent possession. But now by their pride, unbelief and rebellion they brought great evil on their own heads and on the heads of their posterity.


They could have avoided all this by humbling themselves and confessing and renouncing their sins, but they had been unwilling. Therefore God would unleash His terrible wrath against them. But all of this could have been so easily avoided…


Will America learn the lesson of Jerusalem? Will we humble ourselves and fear God before it is too late? If we do not turn from our sins, then painful consequences will surely come, and it will be our own fault.


“Heavenly Father, thank you that you are always faithful to your Word. Forgive us for trusting in other things rather than in you alone. Have mercy on our nation once again and turn us from our sins. Save both us and our children. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”