The Better Choice

Jan 29, 2021    Pastor Daryl Zachman

Abram and Lot were now so rich in livestock that the land could not support them. Abram and Lot's herdsmen began to quarrel. What had once been a harmonious family was now in conflict. Their great possessions forced them to part company. Abram gave Lot the first choice. When Lot saw the well-watered and fertile plain heading eastward toward Sodom, he chose it for himself. First he pitched his tent toward Sodom, and later he moved into Sodom. But Sodom was exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD. Abram, on the other hand, remained in the arid land of Canaan. But God promised to give all of the land to Abram's descendants.

This chapter is about making the right choice. We can follow our eyes and follow our heart or we can follow the Lord and His Word. Abram let Lot choose, but really he was letting God choose for him. And whoever lets God choose, chooses best.

Do you have an important decision to make? Are you trusting in your senses and leaning on your own understanding, or are you trusting in the LORD and letting Him choose?