Proverbs 26
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.” (Proverbs 26:4–5, NKJV)
On the surface, this proverb seems to contradict itself. How can Solomon tell us not to answer a fool, and then tell us to answer a fool? It comes down to using discernment. The fool is blinded to his own folly. He is wallowing in the mire, and he wants you to jump in with him. But Solomon would tell you, “Be wise. Don’t jump into the pig pen!” The fool wants to pull you into his orbit. Don’t do it. Don’t answer a fool according to his folly. He may ask you a foolish question hoping to bait you. You don’t have to answer it. You don’t have to let him manipulate you.
Instead, answer the fool according to his folly. Reveal to the fool where he is being foolish. Otherwise, he will be wise in his own eyes. He will think that he fooled you, while he remains blinded to his own folly.
Jesus exercised this principle many times. Once the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. They wanted to draw Jesus into a trap where He would alienate one side or the other. Jesus didn’t answer the question directly. Instead, He asked to see a coin.
“Whose image and inscription is this?” They said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:20–21, NKJV)
When they heard His answer, they marveled. Jesus did not answer them according to their folly, but He did answer them revealing the extent of their folly.
God, please help us handle fools the way Jesus did!