Lessons from Hagar
We all have highs and lows in our walk with God. Abram received great promises from the LORD and is considered to be the father of those who are justified by faith. But he also had lapses of faith when he did not fully trust God.
Despite Abram and Sarai being old and childless, God said that one from Abram's own body would be his heir. When nothing happened right away, Sarai suggested that Abram have a child by Hagar, and Abram agreed. Ishmael was born who would become the father of the Arab nations. But this was a child born according to the flesh rather than the child of promise. God rejected Abram's attempt to fulfill His Word and would not bring forth the promised Seed (Messiah) through Ishmael.
Has there been a time in your life when you've tried to "help God out" rather than simply trusting in Him to fulfill His Word? How did it work out?