Ezekiel 15:1-16:14

Aug 28, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“Then I bathed you with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil. I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk.” (Ezekiel 16:9–10, ESV)


In chapter 16, Ezekiel presents an allegory about Jerusalem. When she was born, nobody wanted her. She was tossed bloody and naked into a field. But God had compassion on her. She matured in Egypt, and when she was old enough for love, the LORD spread the corner of His garment over her. He covered her nakedness and entered a marriage covenant with her at Mount Sinai. He washed her with His word and anointed her with His Spirit. He brought her into the Promised Land and gave her homes she did not build and vineyards she did not plant. He made her a jewel among nations so that people from all over came to visit her. He protected her and gave her victory over all her enemies. But rather than loving her husband, she became unfaithful. She took the beautiful clothing and jewelry she had received and used it to decorate her idols. She corrupted herself with pagan practices and forsook the vows she made in the wilderness, when she pledged herself to Yahweh only.


We recognize the sins of the Jews, but do we recognize our own sins? Do we often consider where we were when the Lord found us? Where would we be today, and what would we be doing, if it were not for Jesus?


I have always been impressed with the sinful woman in Luke’s gospel who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Jesus told Simon the Pharisee that because she had been forgiven much, she loved much. Let us follow her example and begin the day by remembering who we were when Jesus found us. Let us give Him thanks for how much He has forgiven us. Then let us love our faithful Husband with purity, fidelity and obedience.