Ezekiel 20:33-49

Sep 6, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“I will purge the rebels from among you, and those who transgress against Me; I will bring them out of the country where they dwell, but they shall not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the LORD.” (Ezekiel 20:38, NKJV)


The Bible is unique in that is speaks of future events with the same clarity and detail as if they were past events. God has given us the roadmap of human history. Therefore, we are not children of darkness. We may not like the things we see happening in the world, but we know that God is sovereign over the affairs of men. We also know that He is preparing the world for the return of the King.


Ezekiel was living in a time when God was judging His own people for breaking the covenant He had made with them. But the LORD looked forward to the New Covenant He would make with His people and with everyone else who believes in Jesus Christ. Then He would forgive their sins and remember them no more.


God also looked forward to the future when He will gather His people from every nation and bring them into the land of Israel. He will judge them and cause them to pass under the rod. This is how a shepherd would examine his sheep. Those who rebel against the LORD and against His covenant will not enter the kingdom age. But those who are saved by faith will be a kingdom of priests during the millennial kingdom (Exodus 19:6).


As I watch world events, I am horrified by increasing violence, lies, greed, immorality, and lust for power. I am disturbed as I see so many people calling evil “good” and good “evil”. But we can be comforted knowing that God said things must get much worse before Christ returns and the glorious kingdom age begins. In the meantime, let us wait on the LORD and be diligent in the works He has given us to do. Our labor in the Lord is never in vain. The good and faithful servant who is doing His Master’s will when He returns will be greatly rewarded. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come!