Job 41
“Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his tongue with a cord?” (Job 41:1, ESV)
To be honest, this chapter is the most difficult one for me to understand. Why would God conclude His case against Job by boasting about this fierce, fire-breathing creature? What is Leviathan? Some say it is a crocodile, but I’ve never seen fire coming from the mouth of a crocodile. Some say it’s a mythical creature, but why would God boast in something not real? I believe it was an actual sea reptile that has probably gone the way of the dinosaurs.
God’s point in describing Leviathan seems to be that no human can tame it or take it down. Anyone who messes with it will wish that he hadn’t.
“Lay your hands on him; remember the battle—you will not do it again!” (Job 41:8, ESV)
Is it possible that Leviathan is symbolic for something or someone else? The last thing God says is:
“He looks on everything that is high; he is king over all the sons of pride.” (Job 41:34, NASB95)
Do we know someone who is king of the sons of pride? Who was the first to be lifted up in pride? I believe that Leviathan is an apt symbol of Satan. We certainly can’t tame him; nor can we defeat him on our own. He laughs at man’s attempts to outwit him. He breathes out fiery lies and slander to destroy people. He lifts up the sons of pride to use them as his special servants…until he ruins them.
Only God can ultimately defeat and destroy Satan. But God equips His servants with all that they need to overcome him. God gives us spiritual armor so that we can stand strong in the evil day (Ephesians 6:10-20). He gives us weapons of our warfare that are mighty in God for pulling down Satanic strongholds and false arguments (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). While we would be foolish to rush into hand-to-hand combat with the devil, when he attacks us we need not fear, for God has him on a short leash. And even the evil he brings against us, God will use for good.
Are you struggling with Leviathan? Do you feel overwhelmed by the spiritual onslaught? Be strong in the Lord and stand firm in your faith. Your Great Champion will soon slay the fiery serpent, for the battle belongs to the Lord!