Daniel 3:19-30

Oct 28, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“‘Look!’ he answered, ‘I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.’” (Daniel 3:25, NKJV)

Most of us would prefer to avoid trouble if possible. Certainly, we would like to avoid persecution. But trouble and persecution are necessary trials of this life, and Jesus warned that we would go through them. We pray that God delivers us, and I wonder how many trials God has delivered us from, and we never knew it! But sometimes God permits us to go through trouble and persecution.

This is what happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. What I love about this story is that the Lord was with them in the midst of the fire. The fire did not harm them at all, but it did burn away their bonds. Because they had been faithful to God, God was faithful to them and protected them through the fiery trial.

In addition, God was dealing with Nebuchadnezzar. The king realized that their God was more powerful than him. Remember that he said, “Who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?” (Daniel 3:15) Now he knew!

You may not understand why you are going through trouble and persecution right now. But if you trust in the Lord and keep His commandments, then you can rest assured that He is with you in the fiery trials until He brings you through them. As you persevere, He will protect you, and afterwards He will promote you! Meanwhile, He will use all these things to glorify His name and work in the lives of others. What a mighty God we serve!