David and Abigail Pt. 2

May 27, 2022    Pastor Daryl Zachman

Abigail had proven herself to be an extraordinary woman. She understood David probably more than any other woman he had known. And she was persuasive. She turned David away from his fierce wrath and saved her household in the process. David praised the LORD for sending her to stop him in his tracks and keep him from shedding blood.

But God was not done with her foolish husband Nabal. She went home to find him throwing a big party and getting drunk. Abigail thought it best to wait until the next day until she told Nabal what she had done to avert the disaster. When she told him, Nabal’s heart turned to stone, and he died about ten days later. David resisted avenging himself on Nabal and instead left room for the LORD’s wrath. And guess what…God took care of it!

God invites us to cast our burdens on Him (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7). But once we do that, do we truly commit them to Him? Or do we worry about them? It pleases God to take our burdens. Why would we take them back? Do we really think we can manage them better than Him?

Because David entrusted the situation to the LORD, God dealt with David’s enemy. Abigail had told David:

“When the LORD has done these great things for you, please remember me, your servant!” (1 Samuel 25:31, NLT)

David thought about what she said and sent messengers to ask her to marry him.

“She bowed down with her face to the ground and said, ‘Here is your maidservant, ready to serve you and wash the feet of my master’s servants.’” (1 Samuel 25:41, NIV84)

Because David trusted the LORD, God dealt with his enemy, and David got the beautiful, intelligent and humble girl!

What is occupying our mind-space? What problem are we worrying about? Do we really think we can handle it better than God? Confess your worry as sin and your anxious care as unbelief. Share your burden with the Lord and let Him take it. Then take His yoke upon you which is easy, and His burden which is light (Matthew 11:28-30).