1 Kings 18:1-19
In any culture there are unsung heroes. These are people who quietly work behind the scenes to make life better for others. Some would call them “little people” but in fact they are the great ones. Obadiah was one such person. He had a tough gig. He was the household manager of Ahab and Jezebel and yet he was devoted to the LORD. When Jezebel massacred the prophets of the LORD, Obadiah hid one hundred of them in two caves and fed them with bread and water. If he would have been discovered, he would have undoubtedly been murdered along with the prophets.
I believe there will be many surprises when we get to heaven. One surprise will be the people who were in the forefront on earth but are virtually unknown in heaven. Jesus said:
“But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” (Matthew 19:30, NKJV)
Some we thought for sure would be there may not be there at all. Others whom we thought would never be there will greet us with a warm smile. But I believe that these unsung heroes such as Obadiah will have a prominent place. They were faithful with little, so they will be entrusted with much. They did not enjoy good things on earth, but they will be richly rewarded in heaven.
In the end, we will each be rewarded according to our faithfulness. What has God given you to do? As you are faithful in the little things, God will bless you with more. You may be unsung on earth, but in heaven you will shine like the stars!