Isaiah 18:1-19:15

Feb 14, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“For the LORD has told me this: ‘I will watch quietly from my dwelling place— as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the morning dew forms during the harvest.’” (Isaiah 18:4, NLT)


Isaiah prophesied to the people living in the land of ancient Cush. This was the region along the upper Nile south of Egypt, corresponding to the modern nations of Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia. While the prophecy begins with the word “woe”, the Hebrew word can also translated “ah”. This was not a prophesy against Cush but actually reassurance that they didn’t need to be afraid.


Last summer, I had the opportunity to go to South Sudan. I actually taught chaplains at Calvary Chapel Cush! We also went on a safari in a boat on the upper tributaries of the Nile River. Indeed, this is a land divided by rivers. To this day they have the reputation of being a tall and fierce people, as Isaiah described.


Now the Cushites were buzzing up and down the Nile, sending ambassadors via papyrus vessels to seek alliances to help them against the dreaded Assyrians. But this was unnecessary because God already had a plan to take care of the Assyrians. He would soon cut them off like a vinedresser cuts off sprigs and unwanted branches with pruning shears. While the Cushites were anxious and afraid, the LORD was watching quietly from His dwelling place—as quietly as heat rising on a summer day or dew forming during the harvest. In other words, they could relax and even rejoice because God was in control. They didn’t need to fear the Assyrians; they only needed to fear God.


I see people who are often like the Cushites. They watch what is happening in the world and are anxious, troubled and think that they must do something about it. But Jesus told His disciples:


“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27, NKJV)


God sees what is happening in the world, and He doesn’t have sweaty palms. He watches quietly from His dwelling place because He has a plan. He doesn’t need us to be frantically buzzing around. He wants us to pray and trust in Him. He will never leave us nor forsake us, and in His time He will show us what to do. That doesn’t mean that we go to sleep or bury our head in the sand. It just means that we wait on God realizing that the battle belongs to the LORD. We can rest in peace as we wait on Him to strengthen us to do His will.


Do you really know the peace of the Lord?