Song of Solomon 5:2-8

Jan 15, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.” (Song of Solomon 5:6b, NKJV)

Life does not always go as we’ve planned. Even in a loving marriage, two people may not agree. In matters of intimacy, this can be hurtful, even provoking one partner to anger. In this section, Solomon describes a night when the husband and wife could not connect intimately. Maybe it was late, and she was too tired. Perhaps she was already asleep when he came “knocking on her door” and she didn’t want to get up to make love. Or maybe she simply wasn’t in the mood. When she finally gets up and readies herself to please her lover, he is gone. He has quit trying to woo her heart, and now she feels bad.

Solomon describes marriage in an imperfect world. Their relationship is not continual sexual bliss! There are many times when the husband and wife cannot come together. What do we do then?

In this podcast, we look at the frustrations that occur in marriage and how we can overcome them to keep the fires of intimacy burning.