Ezekiel 39:17-29

Oct 10, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“‘And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel,’ says the Lord GOD.” (Ezekiel 39:29, NKJV)


The LORD’s relationship with Israel is fascinating. He chose them and made promises to their fathers. He has preserved them as a people for thousands of years. He gave them the land of Canaan, and then He cast them out because of their disobedience and idolatry. He brought them back into the land to rebuild their temple. But after they rejected Jesus Christ, God allowed the Romans to conquer Jerusalem and destroy the temple. The LORD scattered the Jews to every nation. Now in little more than a hundred years, God has gathered them from every nation and brought them back into the land He promised to Abraham. But today many people around them want to destroy Israel. They deny Israel’s right to the land and want to take it from them.


Through the Magag invasion God will establish His glory among the nations when they see the judgments He executes in slaughtering the opposing armies. He will also use it to draw Israel back to Himself.


“So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day forward.” (Ezekiel 39:22, NKJV)


People who think that God is done with Israel don’t know their Bibles or else they “spiritualize” the text so that God doesn’t really say what He means or mean what He says.


When I consider God’s relationship with Israel, it gives me great encouragement. If God has been so faithful toward His people, even when they have been faithless toward Him, then surely we can trust Him to be faithful toward us who have believed in Jesus Christ and who are seeking to follow Him. God has turned His face toward us and accepted us in His Beloved Son. He has removed our sins from us for His sake. And He will fulfill all His promises concerning us, for He cannot deny Himself.


Let us seek His face today and determine to walk in His Spirit!