Song of Solomon 1:5-2:7
“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.” (Song of Solomon 2:3–4, NIV)
Such beautiful and complementary speech between these two lovers! Here the Shulamite speaks to her beloved, saying that he is protective, fruitful and sweet to the taste. She delights to sit in his shade. She longs simply to be with him. He brings her to the banqueting house, which is literally the house of wine. Is this speaking of their wedding ceremony? Or does it refer to the joy of their relationship?
Probably the most beautiful thing she says is that his banner over her is love. The banner was the standard over armies as they went to war. It was a sign of identification, possession and protection. Because she fully trusts in his love, she freely gives herself to him.
How this points to our relationship with Christ! Is He not a fruitful tree among all the other trees of the forest? Do we not delight to sit at His feet? Are we enjoying the fruit of His character—His love, joy and peace? Lastly, He will take us to His banqueting house at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Today and always His banner over us is love. He goes before us; we belong to Him; He cares for us and protects us.
Are we enraptured with His love? Picture the love of Christ over your head today as a banner. You belong to Him. He is your Good Shepherd, and no one can snatch you out of His hand! (John 10:27-28)