Origin of Nations

Jan 25, 2021    Pastor Daryl Zachman

In the table of nations comes an interesting case. Nimrod (vs. 9) was a "mighty hunter" before the LORD. His name means "rebellion". The Jerusalem Targum quotes him as saying, "He was powerful in hunting and wickedness before the LORD. He said, 'Depart from the judgment of the LORD and adhere to the judgment of Nimrod.'" He founded the cities of Babel and Nineveh, which would become notorious for their wickedness. History also tells us that he formed a false religious system, the remnants of which continue with us today.

Nimrod in his military, political and economic strength is an example of the kind of person the world esteems. But history tells us that he rebelled against the authority of the LORD. We must remember that what the world esteems is an abomination to God (Luke 16:15).

Where do you see the leaven of Nimrod today? We believe that he is a type or foreshadow of the Antichrist who will soon come on the world scene. He will be worshiped by the world, for they will be given over to believe "the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). What can we do to keep ourselves from being deceived by those who have an agenda contrary to the Word of God?