Ecclesiastes 7

Jan 1, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.” (Ecclesiastes 7:1, NKJV)


Here are two thoughts that at first glance seem unrelated. What does one’s reputation have to do with the day of one’s death?


We believe and labor all our life to hopefully earn a good name. People may try to rob us of this through slander, but then we are in good company. Christ’s enemies said that He was possessed with a demon. Paul’s enemies sought to discredit his apostleship. They said that he was weak in person, and his speech was contemptible (2 Corinthians 10:10). However, I have heard it said that if we look after our integrity then God will look after our reputation. Our true identity is what God thinks of us. If God considers us faithful and praiseworthy, then that is sweeter smelling and more soothing than the finest lotion.


Now what does this have to do with the day of death? And how can the day of your death be better than your birthday? When we are born, we are born into sin and into an evil world. Our reputation is yet to be formed. But when we die, our reputation is sealed forever. Now the only way the day of your death will be better than the day you were born is if you are ready to meet God. Otherwise, it will be the most horrific day of your life, for your eternal destiny will be sealed in hell. On the other hand, if you know Christ personally and your sins have been forgiven, then the day of your death will mean that you arrive in the presence of Christ where you will remain forever (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). There will be no more sin, sorrow, pain or death—only fullness of joy. You will be able to rest from all your labors and enter the place that Christ has prepared for you.


Knowing these truths should cause us to prepare ourselves to meet Christ whether by death or by rapture. In either case, we ought to love His appearance and not be overly attached to this world.


As we begin the New Year, what can we do to improve our integrity and ensure our eternal wellbeing?