Nehemiah 3

Feb 14, 2023    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“Next to them the Tekoites made repairs; but their nobles did not put their shoulders to the work of their Lord.” (Nehemiah 3:5, NKJV)


The book of Nehemiah is a wonderful study in how to accomplish an “impossible” task in record time. Nehemiah was a capable leader who knew the power of uniting workers for a single objective. Consequently, they were able to complete the wall of Jerusalem in 52 days despite constant harassment from their enemies.


In chapter 3 we see three points to Nehemiah’s strategy.

1. Everyone worked on the wall. Priests, nobles, perfumers, goldsmiths, leaders, daughters, temple servants and merchants are all named. No one was discriminated against, and no one was exempt.

2. Everyone worked wholeheartedly. Everyone in this chapter is given an honorable mention except the men of Tekoa, for their nobles (leaders) would not put their shoulders to the work of the Lord. How would you like to be remembered in Scripture for failing to work wholeheartedly for God?

The apostle Paul exhorted the Colossians:

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23–24, NKJV)

3. Everyone worked the section of the wall nearest to his house. They would take pride in making their section as good as it could be. After all, their neighbors would all know who built it! Because everyone was assigned his own section of the wall, it kept them from meddling. Finally, they were motivated to make their section strong, since the enemy would try to breach the wall at the weakest point.

This was a highly effective plan that enabled the Jews to quickly finish the wall. It shows what can be done when everyone is united and works hard for a common goal.


Last night we had a meeting with our Sunday service core team leaders. We will be introducing some changes that will require an increased workforce. As we were planning, I was thinking about this chapter with everyone working his or her section of the wall. I love watching God’s people catch a vision and work heartily together to accomplish it!