Jeremiah 49:23-39

Jul 23, 2024    Pastor Daryl Zachman

“‘I will set My throne in Elam and will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the LORD. ‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days: I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 49:38–39, NKJV)


Elam was located beyond the Tigris River, east of Babylon. It eventually became part of the Medo-Persian Empire. It corresponds to modern Iran. While there is some evidence that Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Elamites about 596 BC, his subjugation did not fulfill this prophecy. Elam became a central part of the Persian Empire that later conquered Babylon with Susa as its capital.


In one sense, God established His throne in Elam through King Cyrus of Persia whom God called “My shepherd” (Isaiah 44:28). The LORD is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to whomever He chooses (Daniel 4:17). In the process, God would break the bow of Elam. This was significant because the Elamites were known for their archery skills. He breaks man’s pride and dependency on the weapons of the flesh.


Yet even in the midst of this message of judgment, God promised to gather the captives of Elam in the latter days. It is interesting that there were people from Elam present in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples. These Elamites heard God being praised in their own native language. And they will occupy a place in the millennial kingdom. It fascinates me that despite what we hear in the news about the Iranian government and their persecution of Israel, there is a strong Christian presence among the people of Iran. God will ultimately establish His throne there during the millennial reign of Christ.


God doesn’t want us relying upon our own “bow”, strength or power of the flesh. He wants us to depend completely on Him in reverent fear and childlike humility. He wants to establish the reign of King Jesus over our hearts. Are we willing to dethrone self and submit to His rule?