Isaiah 23
“The LORD of hosts has purposed it, to bring to dishonor the pride of all glory, to bring into contempt all the honorable of the earth.” (Isaiah 23:9, NKJV)
The destruction of the ancient seaport of Tyre is one of the most remarkable fulfillments of prophecy in the Bible. It is proof that whatever God says will surely come to pass in its day. It is also a reminder that no one can ultimately resist the LORD.
Tyre was a very wealthy and beloved city. They enriched themselves by trading with cities throughout the Mediterranean. Their navy surpassed the navies of all other nations. But they had become intoxicated with their own success. God called Tyre “the pride of all glory.” Considering that God hates pride, this could not have bode well for them.
The destruction of Tyre occurred over several centuries. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon laid siege against the original seaport for thirteen years. During this time the people of Tyre moved their city about a mile offshore to an island. When Nebuchadnezzar finally breached the walls, there was no spoil because everything had already been moved to the new city. It would be another 240 years before Alexander the Great finally destroyed the offshore city in 332 BC.
God will not share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:8). One spiritual law is that whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted (Luke 14:11). Worldly success is not a sin, provided one does not achieve it unjustly. But advancements in success must be met or exceeded by advancements in humility and gratitude. Otherwise, we run the risk of achieving the disgrace that God reserves for the proud.
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” (Proverbs 11:2, ESV)