Noah's Vineyard

Jan 22, 2021    Pastor Daryl Zachman

After the Flood, Noah planted a vineyard and drank some of the wine. He became drunk and lie naked in his tent. This is the first time the word "wine" appears in Scripture (Hebrew yayin). Noah's son Ham discovered his dad and told his brothers about it. When Noah sobered up, he cursed Ham's son Canaan, saying that he would be a servant to his relatives.

This is a sad chapter in the life of a great man of God. It also shows the harmful effects of alcohol consumption. Perhaps you grew up in a home of alcohol abuse. Parents or grandparents "under the influence" often say and do harmful things to their children and grandchildren. While it is not necessarily a sin to drink wine (Deut. 14:26, Psa. 104:15, Luke 7:24, 1 Tim. 5:23), alcohol numbs the senses and can impair good judgment (Lev. 10:9-11).

While Christians have differing beliefs about drinking, perhaps it is best to consider our motives. Jesus did not turn water into wine and eat and drink with sinners to get a "buzz". He did it to make friends and to seek and save the lost. If we look to alcohol to satisfy us rather than the living water of the Holy Spirit, then we will never be satisfied (John 4:13-14, John 7:37-39, Eph. 5:18).

Whatever we believe about these things, let us make every effort not to harm others either by what we approve or disapprove, for each one will give an account of himself to God (Ro. 14:12-13).